My Story

Do you ever struggle with bloating, heartburn, hot flashes and cravings for snacks, or have trouble sleeping? Well, I can relate!

I eat healthy and exercise regularly, but with age, these challenges really began bothering me. I started experimenting with products from different stores, but nothing gave me relief.

Then I heard from a friend about Plexus and how it has a gut health system that balances blood sugar, helps to reduce inflammation, and eliminates craving. I decided to try the Triplex, and what a difference it's made!

The bloating disappeared as well as the sharp pains in my belly. The heartburn after eating, the discomfort of sleeping at night was gone.

But wait, there’s more!

When starting Plexus, I happened to have an annual physical. The doctor did blood work. He told me I needed meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I refused to take meds, and he replied “OK, but let’s check your blood work again in 6 months. I agreed to do that.

Fast forward, the months went by. I continued using Triplex and added some other Plexus products as well, like Collagen.

My hairstylist and other people tell me “your hair and skin look great”.

And the energy! I love drinking Active during morning workouts and I enjoy the pink drink in the afternoon. Slim really makes a difference for me. It eliminates my cravings.

And I love the Reset too! This nutritionally supported, 3-day fast gives me a wonderful sense of vitality! It's hard to imagine how good this feels until you do it!

The bloating disappeared as well as the sharp pains in my belly. The heartburn after eating, the discomfort of sleeping at night was gone.

But wait, there’s more!

When starting Plexus, I happened to have an annual physical. The doctor did blood work. He told me I needed meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I refused to take meds, and he replied “OK, but let’s check your blood work again in 6 months. I agreed to do that.

Fast forward, the months went by. I continued using Triplex and added some other Plexus products as well, like Collagen.

My hairstylist and other people tell me “your hair and skin look great”.

And the energy! I love drinking Active during morning workouts and I enjoy the pink drink in the afternoon. Slim really makes a difference for me. It eliminates my cravings.

And I love the Reset too! This nutritionally supported, 3-day fast gives me a wonderful sense of vitality! It's hard to imagine how good this feels until you do it!

Finally, 6 months after my initial blood work was done, I had my blood checked again, and guess what?! My ratio of good to bad cholesterol had improved!

The doctor said “we don't need to put you on meds after all at all. Whatever you're doing, it's working, so keep doing it.” Well, the only thing that had changed in my life was Plexus.

Now, I am on a mission to maintain a healthy body and brain and enjoy an active lifestyle for many years to come. Being happy and supportive of my husband, my children, and grandchildren means everything to me. And I want to help others be able build better health and create a life they love!

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